4 Most Important Properties of Thermal Insulation (Coating) Sheets

4 Most Important Properties of Thermal Insulation (Coating) Sheets

  • Thermal Conductivity Coefficient: The sheet with the lowest Lambda value provides the best thermal insulation. Breathing: The sheet with the lowest water vapor permeability always supports removing the water vapor from building walls.
  • Water Absorption: The material with lower water absorption is less risky than the others. If the Thermal Insulation Sheet is TSE certified, water absorption value is within the standard range. Kaspor sheets are TSE certified products.
  • Dimensional Stability: For thermal insulation sheets, width, length and thickness should not change over time and according to the climate conditions. The material must have sufficient flexibility and strength for the climate conditions and application.
  • Fire Class: In our country, it is prohibited to use easily flammable on facades pursuant to fire protection regulations. Among the insulation sheets mentioned above, stone wall is in class A1 materials (no contribution to fire), and the EPS and XPS thermal insulation sheets are class B materials. These products comply with fire regulations. Following thermal insulation sheets are used for building insulation applications in our country and many European countries.